The King James Bible Virtual Tour

There are few aspects of the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ that have been less understood than has been the high regard which members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have for the English language Bible. Believing in and following Bible teachings is what lead the young Joseph Smith, Jr., to inquire of the Lord as to which church was right. That started everything. Powered by his belief in this book, and his accompanying faith in Jesus Christ, important events were set in motion which lead to the restoration of Christ’s Priesthood keys and of doctrines which had been lost from the earth for millenia.

In this Virtual Tour we explore the valiant steps and lives of those who made our English language Bible available to the 19th century seeker after truth - including the young Joseph Smith, Jr., in 1820.

This virtual tour explains key contributions made by Jerome of Stridon as well as John Wycliff of Lutterworth, by William Tyndale of Little Sodbury, by the King James Translators themselves, and by those who willingly welcomed the flames of Coventry and Smithfield rather than denounce their interest in the word of God in a language they could themselves understand.


Herefordshire Beacon


Preston, River Ribble