Downham and Chatburn Virtual Tour

In the 1600’s, George Fox, the founder of the “Quakers”, or “Friends”, climbed this Pendle Hill near Downham. He said, “As we travelled, we came near a very great hill, called Pendle Hill, and I was moved of the Lord to go up to the top of it; which I did with difficulty, it was so very steep and high. When I was come to the top, I saw the sea bordering upon Lancashire. From the top of this hill the Lord let me see in what places he had a great people to be gathered.”

200 years later, in 1837, that promised gathering began to take place here. Downham and Chatburn were places where Latter-day Apostle Heber C. Kimball had tremendous success gathering the people of God, a people who readily accepted him and his message, and who later wept when he departed from them to return to America. Many of them followed him to America to begin new lives with a greater understanding and purpose.

When he later told Latter-day Saint church leader, Joseph Smith, of the unusual success he had had among those living in this area, Joseph Smith replied to Elder Kimball, “Did you not understand it?  That is a place where some of the old prophets travelled and dedicated that land, and their blessing fell upon you.” This is a sacred and revered area.


Preston Temple

